View in Other Languages Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 21 de fevereiro de 2011: A Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) Deve Iniciar Triagens Clínicas para uma Vacina de Imunoterapia de Câncer de Ovário Rapport du marché australien en date du 21 février 2011: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) sur le point de débuter un essai clinique pour tester un vaccin immunothérapeutique contre le cancer de l’ovaire Laporan Pasar Australia 21 Februari 2011: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) Tengah Memulai Uji Klinis Untuk Vaksin Imunoterapi Kanker Ovarian السوق الاسترالية 21 شباط/فبراير، 2011: شركة Prima BioMed ASX:PRR سوف تبدأ دراسة سريرية على لقاح مناعي لسرطان المبيض. Reporte del Mercado Australiano del 21 de febrero de 2011: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) Comenzará Ensayo Clínico Para Vacuna de Inmunoterapia de Cáncer de Ovario 2011年2月21日澳洲股市:Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR)将开始卵巢癌免疫疫苗临床试验 2011년 2월21일 호주 시장보고서: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR), 난소암 면역요법 백신 임상실험 착수 Australischer Marktbericht, 21. Februar 2011: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) beginnt mit klinischer Studie für Immuntherapie-Impfstoff gegen Eierstockkrebs Australian Market Report of February 21, 2011: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) To Commence Clinical Trial For Ovarian Cancer Immunotherapy Vaccine オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年2月21日: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) が卵巣がん免疫療法治療ワクチンの臨床試験を開始予定 2011年2月21日澳洲股市:Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR)將開始卵巢癌免疫疫苗臨床試驗 
Australian Market Report of February 21, 2011: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) To Commence Clinical Trial For Ovarian Cancer Immunotherapy Vaccine
Australian Market Report of February 21, 2011: Prima BioMed (ASX:PRR) To Commence Clinical Trial For Ovarian Cancer Immunotherapy Vaccine

Sydney, Feb 21, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Prima BioMed Limited (googlechartASX:PRR) today announced that there has been an agreement for strategy and design of the Phrase III clinical trial for the CVac(TM) immunotherapy therapeutic ovarian cancer vaccine. The agreement comes after the European regulator, the European Medicines Agency advised that Scientific Advice for the Phase III trial had successfully been granted. Receiving Scientific Advice is a significant milestone in the timeline progression for CVac(TM)'s global registration. Prima can now move forward and begin preparations for patient enrolment into the trial. If the trial is successful, CVac(TM) will become the world's first ovarian cancer immunotherapy treatment.

Redstone Resources Limited (googlechartASX:RDS) reported further significant assay results from recent reverse circulation drilling at its 100% owned Tollu copper project in Western Australia. Copper sulphide mineralisation has been extended to over 200m strike length and to a depth of 253m, highlighting the potential to increase the size of the mineralised body. Further drilling is scheduled to commence in May 2011 to extend the current mineralisations and test other Cu-rich areas.

Western Desert Resources Limited (googlechartASX:WDR) today reported that assay results from drilling at its Roper Bar Iron Ore Project in the Northern Territory have identified further high grade direct shipping iron ore. Five holes recoded intersections with grades greater than 60% Fe. Iron ore mineralization extends over 1200 metres strike length. The Company will continue to assess the area's potential for commercial mining operations.

Canyon Resources Limited (googlechartASX:CAY) has accelerated its exploration programme on its gold projects in Burkina Faso, following the discovery of several new prospects on its recently acquired permits. Since late November 2010, the Company has drilled 6,616 meters and taken over 1,300 samples with highest grades up to 6.16 g/t Au. The Company is to commence its maiden reverse circulation drill programme in late March or early April 2011.


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