View in Other Languages アジア市場活動レポート 2011年11月11日:ハスティングスレアメタルズ (Hastings Rare Metals Limited) (ASX:HAS) が Yangibana プロジェクトにおける重要なレアアース結果を発表 2011年11月11日亚洲活动报告:Hastings Rare Metals Limited (ASX:HAS)公布Yangibana项目重要稀土结果 2011년 11월11일 아시아 현장보고서: Hastings Rare Metals Limited (ASX:HAS), Yangibana 프로젝트에서 고무적인 희토 분석결과 발표 Asian Activities Report for November 11, 2011: Hastings Rare Metals Limited (ASX:HAS) Announces Significant Rare Earth Results at Yangibana Project 2011年11月11日亞洲活動報告:Hastings Rare Metals Limited (ASX:HAS)公佈Yangibana項目重要稀土結果 
Asian Activities Report for November 11, 2011: Hastings Rare Metals Limited (ASX:HAS) Announces Significant Rare Earth Results at Yangibana Project
Asian Activities Report for November 11, 2011: Hastings Rare Metals Limited (ASX:HAS) Announces Significant Rare Earth Results at Yangibana Project

Sydney, Nov 11, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Hastings Rare Metals Limited (googlechartASX:HAS) announces the results of a recent sampling programme at the Yangibana Project in Western Australia. Assays return up to 12.8% total rare earth oxides, confirming the potential for a high neodymium oxide resource. The Company is considering a major drilling programme to further define the drilled targets and establish JORC-compliant resources in 2012.

iCash Payment Systems Limited (googlechartASX:ICP) has determined to delay the targeted completion date of the proposed acquisition of further interest in NeoICP Korea Inc.. Due to a strengthened valuation of the Australian iCash business relative to the Korean NeoICP business, iCash are seeking to revise the transaction terms for acquisition. iCash is a vertically integrated ATM payments business that has designed, manufactured and sold over 12,000 ATMs in Korea and deployed over 1,500 ATMs in Australia.

Globe Metals & Mining (googlechartASX:GBE) has signed an agreement to acquire up to 90% interest in a titanium-vanadium-iron project in Mozambique. Very high grades of titanium with additional vanadium were returned from rock-chip samples taken in Globe's recent due diligence program. Separate high-grade magnetite zone was also identified with two samples averaging 66.8% Fe.

Mission NewEnergy Limited (googlechartNASDAQ:MNEL) (googlechartASX:MBT), a global provider of environmentally sustainable biofuels, will build a major waste material processing facility in Malaysia. The plant will be the first of its kind to recover palm oil from Spent Bleached Earth, a kind of waste material that historically has no application.


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