Asian Equities News 2015-07-10: CIMIC Group (ASX:CIM) Awarded Hong Kong Border Control Contract
Asian Equities News 2015-07-10: CIMIC Group (ASX:CIM) Awarded Hong Kong Border Control Contract

Sydney, July 10, 2015 AEST (ABN Newswire) - CIMIC Group Company Ltd (googlechartASX:CIM) (googlechartLGTHF:OTCMKTS) has been awarded a contract by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to construct a boundary control point on the border between Hong Kong and China. The revenue to CIMIC will be approximately A$1.2 billion. CIMIC Group Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Marcelino Fernández Verdes said: "The Boundary Control Point project is a key element in the government's plans to forge closer economic integration with Mainland China and, once operational, it will generate significant benefits for Hong Kong.

Caeneus Minerals Ltd (googlechartASX:CAD) announced that its strategy to become a high-grade, low-cost nickel miner in WA is advancing on several fronts following its recently announced agreement to acquire the high-grade Silver Swan underground nickel mine in WA. Caeneus has agreed to acquire the contractual rights to mine Silver Swan from Poseidon Nickel Limited (googlechartASX:POS) (googlechartPSDNF:OTCMKTS). Silver Swan was one of the highest-grade producing nickel mines in the world, with grades of up to 11.69% nickel and total historical production of 2.5 million tonnes at 5.5% nickel until its premature closure in 2009.

Telstra (googlechartASX:TLS) new CEO, Andrew Pen delivered a speech at The Committee for Economic Development of Australia lunch in Sydney, mentioned Asia being a big part of Telstra's strategy "This year in Australia, the number of internet searches made from a mobile device exceeded those made from a desktop computer. Today, in Asia more people are connecting to the Internet for the very first time from a mobile device than from a desktop and many may never use a desktop"

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