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View in Other Languages 3rd Annual Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summit 2012 - Exploring Business Goldmine and Realizing Technological Breakthrough for Unconventional Hydrocarbons Development 第三届非常规油气大会——挖掘中国非常规油气行业金矿,实现关键技术重大突破 第三屆非常規油氣大會——挖掘中國非常規油氣行業金礦,實現關鍵技術重大突破 
3rd Annual Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summit 2012 - Exploring Business Goldmine and Realizing Technological Breakthrough for Unconventional Hydrocarbons Development
3rd Annual Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summit 2012 - Exploring Business Goldmine and Realizing Technological Breakthrough for Unconventional Hydrocarbons Development

Shanghai, Feb 16, 2012 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Under the supporting of CEDIGAZ, WADE and The Natural Gas Roundtable, China Decision Makers Consultancy will hold the 3rd Annual Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summit ( on March Mar 22nd-23rd, 2012, in Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, in Beijing, China.

China holds up to 30 trillion cubic meters of shale gas resources. China's goal is to realize that 12% of natural gas production comes from shale gas wells by 2020. In this case, China will have to learn how to well test and explore shale gas and thus realizing ideal production. In 2009, China began its first venture into developing shale gas with the help of Royal Dutch Shell. In September 2010, China Petroleum Corp, better known as Sinopec, signed a deal with Chevron to develop shale gas targets near Guiyang City. Sinopec is hoping to increase production from unconventional sources like shale gas and coal bed methane to approximately 2.5 billion cubic meters within the next five years. In the middle of October 2010, CNOOC announced a deal with Chesapeake Energy purchasing one-third of their shale assets in the prospective Eagle Ford shale play, located in South Texas.

With this in mind and based on the success of 2010 & 2011 Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summit, 3rd Annual Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summit will serve as a much higher-level platform by illustrating business outlook and focusing on more in-depth technical solutions facing China's CBM and shale gas industry.

Therefore, we wish 3rd Annual Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summit will be a splendid stage for you to learn the latest market trends and share experience with those decision makers from IOCs, NOCs, consultancy, equipment & technology suppliers and many more.

Splendid UHS Gathering You Can't Miss:

1. An ideal succession of 2010 & 2011 Unconventional Hydrocarbons Summits conforming to national energy plan & development
2. Over 40 project owners, specialized technicians and consultants at home and abroad will show the whole picture of unconventional hydrocarbons from strategic and technical perspectives
3. Record-breaking over 300 government officials, corporate decision makers, top scientists & technicians, first-class service providers to gather for extensive networking and in-depth experience sharing
4. Based on the past 2-year event, more technical issues like reservoir condition testing, rock physics modeling, horizontal drilling, geophysical techniques, and hydraulic fracture techniques will be illustrated
5. A variety of sponsorship opportunities featuring presentation, boutique booth, one-one meeting, and workshop will be presented catering to your marketing demands

You can hear from the following leadership of the organizers:
- Strategic Research Center of Oil & Gas, Ministry of Land and Resources, P.R.C
Huabei Oilfield Company of CNPC
- Schlumberger Business Consulting
- PetroChina CBM Co., Ltd.
- Greka Energy
- Professor, School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences
- Principal Representative of R&D, Total China
- Henan Province Coal Seam Gas, Development and Utilization Co., LTD.
- China Petroleum Planning and Engineering Institute
- Engineering Arrow Energy
- Laboratory Director, Institute of Exploration and Development, RIPED (CNPC)
- Unconventional Reservoir Services, Weatherford Laboratories
- Shell Upstream International Exploration
- Deputy Director of New Energy Research Institution, RIPED (CNPC)

For more information, please visit the official website:


Contact: Amy Ren
Tel: +86-21-6393-1899 ext 2031

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