View in Other Languages 2010年12月9日澳洲股市:Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC)在澳大利亚证券交易所挂牌上市 2010년 12월9일 호주 시장보고서: Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC), 호주증시 상장 Laporan Pasar Australia 9 Desember 2010: Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) Terdaftar Pada Bursa Efek Australia 2010年12月9日澳洲股市:Indochine Mining Limited(ASX:IDC)在澳大利亞證券交易所掛牌上市 Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 9 de diciembre de 2010: Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) Cotiza en el Mercado de Valores Australiano オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年12月9日:Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC)はオーストラリア証券取引所に上場 Australian Market Report of December 9, 2010: Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) Lists On Australian Stock Exchange تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 9 كانون الأول/ديسمبر، 2010: شركة Indochine Mining Limited ASX:IDC تدخل سوق الاسهم الاسترالية. 
Australian Market Report of December 9, 2010: Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) Lists On Australian Stock Exchange
Australian Market Report of December 9, 2010: Indochine Mining Limited (ASX:IDC) Lists On Australian Stock Exchange

Sydney, Dec 9, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Indochine Mining Limited (googlechartASX:IDC), a large-scale gold and copper explorer with the largest package of mineral leases in Cambodia, began trading on the Australian Securities Exchange today. The initial public offer was substantially oversubscribed and Indochine raised A$20.1 million at A$0.20 per share. The company has assembled the largest landholding of the mining companies in Cambodia, with tenements spanning more than 4,000km2. It is also reviewing other advanced gold and gold/copper projects across the South-east Asian and South-west Pacific regions to further bolster its portfolio.

Exoma Energy Limited (googlechartASX:EXE) yesterday executed a Farmin Agreement, in Beijing, with one of China's leading integrated energy companies, China National Offshore Oil Corporation ("CNOOC") (googlechartHKG:0883) (googlechartNYSE:CEO). Under the terms of the Farmin, CNOOC will acquire a 50% participating interest in Exoma's five petroleum exploration permits in the central Queensland Galilee Basin by contributing A$50 million towards exploration and appraisal expenditure. Exoma will grant CNOOC option to acquire 86.6 million shares at AUD 31.5 cents per share. The farmin permits cover an area of approximately 26,840 square kilometres with Gas In Place estimated to be greater than 100 TCF.

Cockatoo Coal Limited (googlechartASX:COK) today updated the current JORC Resources for the Baralaba Mine, Baralaba North, and Wonbindi projects. JORC compliant Resources in all classifications have increased to a total of 158.6 million tonnes, up 19%. Newly defined Measured and Indicated Resources are expected to directly contribute to additional Marketable Reserves following mine planning evaluation of the results.

Quest Petroleum NL (googlechartASX:QPN) has began drilling on the Marian Baker #1 well on the Amazon Prospect to a total depth of approximately 16,000 feet beginning on December 18, 2010. The well is expected to encounter multiple, potential, hydrocarbon bearing reservoir sections and take approximately 50 days to reach total depth. The Amazon prospect has an estimated unrisked recoverable resource of between 301 to 736 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 30 to 73 million barrels of oil (P50-P10).


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