View in Other Languages ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: April 2, 2010 
ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: April 2, 2010
ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: April 2, 2010

Sydney, April 6, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Havilah Resources NL (googlechartASX:HAV) said a shallow reconnaissance RC percussion drilling program commenced in late February at the Lilydale iron ore prospect. Drilling targeted the area of highest combined gravity and magnetic response along a poorly exposed portion of the Braemar Iron Formation, where it was interpreted that the concentration of iron would be highest. Five drillholes were completed before heavy rains in the district prematurely halted the drilling program.

Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (googlechartASX:DMA) has raised A$2.1M through the issue of 10,000,000 new ordinary shares in the company placed to sophisticated investors at an issue price of A$0.21 per share. Patersons acted as Lead Manager to the Placement. The funds raised are to be dedicated to accelerating the further evaluation of Dynasty's Prairie Downs Iron Ore Project in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia.

iSOFT Group Limited (googlechartASX:ISF), Australia's largest listed health information technology company, said that St Jansdal Hospital in the Netherlands extended its contract for iSOFT's Lorenzo solution for a further three years, in a deal worth EUR4.5 million (A$6.6 million).

WestSide Corporation Limited (googlechartASX:WCL) expects to re-commence drilling operations in its Bowen Basin coal seam gas (CSG) exploration tenements following recent wet weather across the region. WestSide plans to resume a multi well program in ATP 688P in the northern Bowen Basin to confirm coal and gas in the P seam and Goonyella seams of the Moranbah Coal Measures. Westside also said seismic acquisition in ATP 688P is planned to commence on 26 April.

Universal Resources Limited (googlechartASX:URL) has announced the appointment of Mr Eric Hughes to the role of Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer with effect from 31 March 2010. Mr Hughes, a qualified accountant has in excess of 20 years experience in the evaluation, development and operation of both domestic and international mineral and oil and gas projects. During this time he has held senior appointments, including executive directorships role in a range of Australian listed companies. Mr Hughes is also a Non Executive Director of Platinum Australia Limited (googlechartASX:PLA).


Michelle Liang
Asia Business News Asia Bureau
Tel: +61-2-9247-4344

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