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View in Other Languages Más de 17,000 asistentes recibieron la bienvenida a Toronto para la 90.ª Convención PDAC Plus de 17 000 participants sont accueillis à Toronto pour le 90e congrès de la PDAC 제90회 PDAC 컨벤션을 위해 토론토에서 17,000명 이상의 참석자 환영 超过 17,000 名与会者欢迎来到多伦多参加第 90 届 PDAC 大会 More than 17,000 Attendees Welcomed to Toronto for 90th PDAC Convention Mehr als 17.000 Teilnehmer wurden zur 90. PDAC-Konferenz in Toronto begrüßt Mais de 17.000 participantes são recebidos em Toronto para a 90ª Convenção do PDAC Lebih dari 17.000 Peserta Disambut di Toronto untuk Konvensi PDAC ke-90 17,000人以上の参加者が第90回PDACコンベンションのためにトロントに歓迎されました Более 17 000 посетителей приветствовали в Торонто 90-й съезд PDAC ผู้เข้าร่วมประชุมมากกว่า 17,000 คนให้การต้อนรับที่โตรอนโตสำหรับการประชุม PDAC ครั้งที่ 90 
Attendees Welcomed to Toronto for 90th PDAC
Attendees Welcomed to Toronto for 90th PDAC

Toronto, June 18, 2022 AEST (ABN Newswire) - The world's mineral exploration and mining industry returned to Toronto for its first in person Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Convention since March 2020, confirming the sector's thirst for returning to business, in the flesh.

The PDAC 2022 Convention-the world's premier annual exploration and mining event-welcomed 17,445 investors, analysts, Indigenous leaders, mining executives, geologists, government officials and students after more than two years of uncertainty for major events.

"Like most of the world, the mineral exploration and mining industry faced a variety of challenges during the pandemic, and yet its significance and resilience has remained admirable, and that pride was on full display at the PDAC 2022 Convention," says PDAC President Alex Christopher, reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic that forced PDAC 2021 to be a completely online event.

"Energy was widespread across the sold-out Trade Show and Investors Exchange, as well as highly-attended short courses and programming that reflected conversations happening within the sector, including the dominant themes of equity, diversity and inclusion, Indigenous engagement, critical minerals, sustainability and industry's role in helping the world realize a low-emissions future."

Supporting this focus, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada's Minister of Natural Resources who participated in the convention's Opening Ceremonies, released a discussion paper informing Canada's Critical Minerals Strategy.

"Critical minerals offer an enormous economic opportunity for Canada as the world transitions to a green and digital economy. Our government is committed to making Canada a world leader in critical minerals, from exploration to recycling," says Wilkinson.

Highlights from the PDAC 2022 Convention include:

- Captivating discussions and standing room only crowds across a number of programs.

- Six of the industry's top performers were honoured with a PDAC 2022 Award.

- Record attendance at the Opening Ceremonies.

- High attendance and engaged conversations at the Indigenous Program, including a session on navigating UNDRIP the right way.

- Expanded Keynote Program featuring presentations from industry experts on commodities, the mineral outlook, technology and new discoveries.

- WiM's annual Mining for Diversity Reception on June 14 and the inaugural launch International Day of Women in Mining on June 15.

- PDAC, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, hosted the seventh annual International Mines Ministers Summit (IMMS), bringing together 20 Ministers responsible for mining from around the world to discuss the industry's role in reducing global emissions.

Excitement now turns to the online PDAC 2022 Convention from June 28 to 29, where several sessions from the in person portion are available, as well as many new and relevant topics. All Access Pass holders automatically receive complementary online registration.

Some 2022 participants shared their affection for June's warmer weather and sunshine; however, we will return to our traditional March dates for PDAC 2023 to realign with industry and market forces.

About PDAC

PDACThe Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) is the leading voice of the mineral exploration and development community, an industry that employs more than 664,000 individuals, and contributed $132 billion to Canada's GDP in 2021. Currently representing over 7,800 members around the world, PDAC's work centers on supporting a competitive, responsible, and sustainable mineral sector. PDAC 2025, our 93rd annual convention, will take place in person in Toronto, Canada from March 2-5. Please visit pdac.ca for more information.

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Kristy Kenny
Senior Manager, Communications
E: kkenny@pdac.ca
P: 1-416-807-8214
W: www.pdac.ca

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