Resolution Minerals Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

Adelaide, July 5, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Resolution Minerals Ltd (googlechartASX:RML) (googlechartNC3:FRA) is pleased to announce that it has completed drilling on the East Pogo Gold Prospect at the 64North Project in Alaska. The compelling shallow drill targets are the culmination of 20 months' preparation of field work, desktop review, CSAMT and ZTEM geophysics surveys and logistics planning. East Pogo is on the Pogo Trend positioned between the 11M oz Pogo Gold Mine and the Tibbs Discovery.


- Seven quartz veins up to 4.6m thick were intersected in five (5) of 12 holes

- 12 RC drill holes totalling 1,663m designed to test compelling high-grade gold targets of 50m to 150m depth, have been completed on time and budget

- Encouragingly, intense hydrothermal alteration was present in all holes and the structural setting (flat lying dilation zones) confirms our Pogo-style model for East Pogo

- East Pogo drill targets are on the Pogo Trend between the 11M oz Pogo Gold Mine and the Tectonic Metals' Tibbs high-grade gold discovery within the Tintina Gold Province

- Drilling assay results are expected in four (4) weeks ~ early August

- Assessment of Sunrise and surrounding prospects continues and will be reported separately

We are encouraged to see seven zones of flat lying quartz veining with minor sulphides up to 4.6m thick, amongst intensely altered host rock in RC drill chips at the East Pogo Prospect. Our targeting, based on the 2020 CSAMT and ZTEM survey results, has allowed us to vector in on hydrothermal fluid pathways where gold mineralisation could accumulate. More importantly, RML has identified dilation zones - where the rock has pulled apart allowing the formation of quartz veins, which can host high-grade gold in this district. While we are excited by these drilling results, the assay results will be the real test and are expected in 4 weeks.

- Managing Director, Duncan Chessell.

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About Resolution Minerals Ltd

Resolution Minerals LtdResolution Minerals Ltd (ASX:RML) is a mining company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of precious and battery metals - such as gold, copper, cobalt, and vanadium.

The company is led by Managing Director Duncan Chessell and an experienced team with proven success in corporate finance, marketing, metallurgy and geoscience. This equips Resolution Minerals with the tools to meet the changing demands of the mining markets.

Resolution Minerals Ltd Listed on the ASX in 2017 with a focus on the exploration of the Wollogorang Copper Cobalt Project. It has since aquired the Snettisham Vanadium Project and more entered into a binding agreement witth Millrock Resources to earn up to 80% of the highly prospective 64North Gold Project. 


Duncan Chessell
Managing Director

Julian Harvey
Investor Relations

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