
Sino Cleantech April 2013 Report: Month of Consolidation Led By Water Losses

🕔5/6/2013 8:30:39 AM

The China CleanTech Index fell slightly in April 2013 to consolidate some of the strong gains of the first quarter. Over the month, the Index outperformed only one of its four benchmarks.

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Another Strong Month Sees the China CleanTech Index Gain 34% Over Last Quarter

🕔5/3/2013 10:42:24 AM

The China CleanTech Index rose from 37.6 to 40.2 over the month of February recording a 6.9% gain. This compared to the NEX gain of 2.1%, the CTIUS gain of 1.9%, the Shanghai Composite loss of 0.9% and the MSCI which was unchanged over the month. The three month gain for the China CleanTech Index now stands at 33.6%.
The China CleanTech 20 also recorded a strong gain of 5.9% for the month.

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Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Helps Companies Prepare For Emissions Trading

🕔6/1/2007 5:25:43 PM

As the Howard Government prepares its response to the Task Group on Emissions Trading's Report provided to the Government yesterday, Environment Ministers from each Australian State and Territory are meeting in Cairns to put the final touches on a mandatory greenhouse and energy reporting system for companies.

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Investment Community Calls on Australian Governments to Accelerate Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Companies

🕔4/16/2007 2:30:22 PM

In the lead up to their meeting on Friday, the Australian investment community, led by the Investor Group on Climate Change Australia/New Zealand, is calling on the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to accelerate progress on the implementation of mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas emissions by Australian companies.

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