
Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX:DMA) Appointment Of Executive Chairman And Writ Of Summons

🕔3/24/2011 1:34:00 PM

Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX:DMA) refer to the announcement released on the 22nd March 2011 regarding a Board and Management Restructure, which was released prematurely due to a procedural oversight in a directors' meeting approving the restructure. This oversight has now been rectified and the board is pleased to announce that Mr Oh has been unanimously appointed Executive Chairman.

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Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX:DMA) Board And Management Restructuring

🕔3/22/2011 3:24:00 PM

Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX:DMA) announce board and management restructuring.

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Australian Market Report of March 22, 2011: Territory Uranium (ASX:TUC) Announce More Exciting Rare Earth Drill Results In Northern Territory

🕔3/22/2011 12:02:01 PM

Australian Market Report of March 22, 2011 includes: Territory Uranium (ASX:TUC) announced more exciting rare earth drill results at Quantum Prospect in Northern Territory; China Yunnan Copper Australia Limited (ASX:CYU) extended the rare earth-copper-cobalt discovery at the Mount Dorothy Prospect in Queensland; Bannerman Resources Limited (ASX:BMN) reported high grade surface rock chip samples at its Etango Uranium Project in Namibia; 3D Resources Limited (ASX:DDD) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with an Indonesian group that has manganese, iron ore and coal interests throughout Indonesia/West Timor.

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Archer Exploration Limited (ASX:AXE) Drilling Started On Priority Eyre Peninsula Targets

🕔3/17/2011 9:45:00 AM

Archer Exploration Limited (ASX:AXE) is pleased to announce that drilling commenced on 16th March 2011 on a number of promising deposits and prospects near Cleve and Darke Peak on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Drilling is expected to take up to four weeks to complete.

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Manhattan Corporation Limited (ASX:MHC) Double 8 Uranium Deposit Inferred Resource Up 65% To 17.2 Million Pounds

🕔3/11/2011 11:02:55 AM

Manhattan Corporation Limited (ASX:MHC) announces an increased Inferred Resource for the Double 8 uranium deposit at Ponton in Western Australia of 17.2Mlb uranium oxide ("U3O8"). The Resource, at a 200ppm cutoff, has been prepared by independent resource consultants Hellman & Schofield Pty Ltd in accordance with the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves "JORC Code (2004)".

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Rum Jungle Resources Limited (ASX:RUM) Barrow Creek 1 Exploration Report

🕔3/10/2011 8:42:00 AM

Rum Jungle Resources Limited (ASX:RUM) report on Barrow Creek 1 exploration. A helicopter supported visit was made to site today, in inclement weather conditions to determine immediate exploration logistics. The Underdale Drilling rig is unable to move in soft ground due to heavy rainfall and the Bullion Rig due to commence today is bogged in South Australia and unlikely to move for a week. 30 holes have been completed on the northern most two grid lines with samples submitted for assay.

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Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX:DMA) Response to Shareholder Circular

🕔3/9/2011 2:49:00 PM

Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX:DMA) release an announcement regarding Shareholder Circular.

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