Retail & Merchant Banking

FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Middle East Caution Intensifies

🕔2/22/2011 12:35:38 PM

The upheaval in Libya has only intensified the caution that equity markets were taking, according to Clifford Bennett at Herston Economics. He makes the point that these developments are in some ways unfamiliar to us in the west, in that they are for the long term benefit of the region. This is a sharp adjustment in the political landscape toward greater democracy and capitalism. As such oil flows are unlikely to be effected other than for a very short period of time.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: ME and China Inflation Weigh On Markets

🕔2/21/2011 1:58:58 PM

The equity market has started the weak with a heavy tone. While a return to bullish sentiment can be expected at some point through the week, the increased public outcry against several governments in the Middle East over the weekend are bound to cause investors some pause. It is most likely that any down turn in prices over Monday Tuesday are an opportunity to buy, as the global economy will not be slowed by these geopolitical developments.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Equities Are Still Cheap

🕔2/17/2011 12:35:38 PM

The equity market still represents remarkable value at current levels, and can in fact be described as cheap, say Clifford Bennett of Herston Economics. While company balance sheets are healthier, and profits higher than pre GFC, their stock prices are still only half what they were back then. With the world growing faster than others had forecast or expected, leaner corporations will reap the dividends.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Still A Bull Market

🕔2/16/2011 2:20:43 PM

Despite some hesitation or consolidation generally in markets, Clifford Bennett of Herston Economics still believes equity and commodity markets have further to go on the upside. While some suggest US retail sales were weak, they were actually up 0.8% over December/January when the north was experiencing terrible snow storms.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Unavoidable US Dollar Decline

🕔2/15/2011 12:16:54 PM

While president Obama's speech on reducing the deficit is an impressive suggestion, it will never actually happen. The US has a long history of strong talk on deficit reduction, but very poor form on real implementation. The US budget deficit this year is expected to be 10.9% of GDP, far worse than the largest economy in the Euro-zone, Germany, where the budget deficit is expected to be 3.7%. While the US may complain about the budget deficits of a few small economies in Europe, it has neglected its own far worse situation. Fed New York President William Dudley further exasperated the outlook for the US dollar with a speech claiming virtually full credit for the current recovery was due to QE2.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Egypt On Firm And Positive Path

🕔2/14/2011 12:26:29 PM

Clifford Bennett notes that the Egypt pound and equity market are strong buys and will probably continue to rally throughout the year. Also good news such as superb inflation number from Germany and strong consumer confidence data from US are likely to lead a strong week for equities and commodities.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Mubarak Hesitates And So Do Markets

🕔2/11/2011 12:48:10 PM

Clifford Bennett notes the current state of anxiety in Egypt, but suggests market hesitation is more about acceptance and consolidation of recent strong gains. Given there was also broad market over reaction to Cisco's caution on earnings, he does not expect any significant market pullback. In fact commodities continue to show the way, pointing to the world being caught short during a period of great economic expansion.

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