Retail & Merchant Banking

FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Oil In Short Supply

🕔2/10/2011 11:36:46 AM

We have been bullish oil since below US$40, and our US$145 target for next year remains in place says Herston Economics' Clifford Bennett. The recent selling of oil on the basis that things will calm down in Egypt, the Saudi's will pump more oil, and higher US reserve levels, all miss the two most important points. China and India will add millions of vehicles this year and there are indications global oil production is about to hit peak level beyond which it cannot go.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett On New Markets Paradigm

🕔2/9/2011 11:33:06 AM

China raises interest rates and equity markets continue to climb, as do commodity prices. Clifford Bennett of Herston Economics says this is the new paradigm, at last one that fits more accurately with the underlying reality of a strong global economic boom that no one can stop, not even China. Herston Economics continues to highlight that this is a "bottom up economic revolution" driven by individuals and small businesses all around the world.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Another Day In A Bull Market

🕔2/8/2011 12:07:38 PM

Clifford Bennett of Herston Economics makes the point that the news just gets better and better. Even the usually of recent years bearish mainstream media cannot find anything but bullish stories to report. US equity markets continue to strengthen, and global growth looks set to accelerate as expected. Herston Economics, among the highest of any forecaster, expects global growth to reach 5.4% this year. This includes 4.3% in the USA, 2.6% in Europe, and 10.7% in China.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett On Equity Markets

🕔2/7/2011 3:20:35 PM

The outlook for global equity markets, and especially the Australian market continues to improve. Australian equity markets in particular are still far below their correct fundamental value. Gold and oil, like other commodity markets, appear ready for further strong gains. The Australian dollar is comfortable in this higher band but is still targeting US$1.0800 this year, according to Clifford Bennett of Herston Economics.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Dow Clings to Gains

🕔2/4/2011 11:50:56 AM

After some very strong gains the US equity market continues to cling to recent highs, and can be expected to move higher next week, according to Clifford Bennett of Herston Economics. Clifford remains bullish on equity, commodity and currency markets except for the US dollar. The overnight fall in the Euro is a stand out buy, and not even Egypt concerns can keep Gold down.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Market Overview: Not Too Late to Buy

🕔2/2/2011 12:53:33 PM

It is important to recognize that markets have yet to factor in any of the good news regarding robust growth, not just in china, but Europe and the USA as well. Expect the rally we had forecast to continue and even at these levels Australian stocks represent great value.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Clifford Bennett Reports A Big Rally Afoot

🕔2/1/2011 1:28:16 PM

Building on our comments yesterdayt that markets would rally back just as hard as they initially fell on Egypt, Clifford Bennett of Herston Economics believes there is almost no reason on the horizon for any further declines. Perhaps the last of the pullbacks in equity markets, commodities and the Australian dollar have now been seen. Expect aggressive rallies in all asset classes from here.

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