Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile  Sovereign Gold Company Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

Sydney, Oct 1, 2013 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Sovereign Gold (googlechartASX:SOC) CEO Michael Leu presented "Proving IRGS in NSW" to sophisticated investors at at the Sydney Sky Tower.

Michael Leu B.Sc. (Hons. 1), Geologist, Executive Director and Chief Geologist with over 30 years professional experience in exploration and mining across a range of mineral commodities within Australia and some Pacific and Asian countries. He has worked in industry (Freeport, Getty Oil, Queensland Ores), as a private consultant and for seven years on the academic staff of Macquarie University.

The Mt Adrah "Hobbs Pipe" deposit is Australia's most recent world class gold deposit discovery and is an Intrusion Related Gold System (IRGS) similar in structure to multi-million ounce deposits in other well known large gold systems around the world.

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About Sovereign Gold Company Limited

Sovereign Gold Ltd (ASX:SOC)Sovereign Gold Co Ltd (ASX:SOC) is an Australian-based specialist gold exploration company. Sovereign Gold has a portfolio of quality tenements located in Eastern Australia where there is known potential for the occurrence of Intrusion-Related Gold Systems (IRGS). Sovereign Gold has a highly prospective tenement package covering the Rocky River-Uralla Goldfield, 21km southwest of Armidale, NSW, Australia. Sovereign owns the recent Mt Adrah Hobbs IRGS discovery south-east of Wagga Wagga, NSW. 


Sovereign Gold Company Limited
T: +61-2-9251-7177
F: +61-2-9251-7500

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