Global Nickel Investments NL (ASX:GNI) Ground EM Survey Update At Mt Cornell And Mt Venn Projects
Sydney, May 4, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Global Nickel Investments NL (
ASX:GNI) is pleased to announce that a follow-up ground based, fixed loop EM (FLTEM) programme at the Mt Cornell project (E38/1540, E38/1850) in Western Australia has now been completed. A total of 10 FLTEM surveys were completed by Outer Rim Exploration which consisted of 57 survey lines and 36.7 line kms of coverage (785 stations). FLTEM surveying is also currently in progress at the nearby Mt Venn Project (E38/1000).
The FLTEM survey results received by the company have further refined the 8 airborne VTEM anomalies that were identified in December 2010 at Mt Cornell. The ground based FLTEM survey results have clearly confirmed the presence of strong, legitimate bedrock conductors and enabled constrained modelling of both the depth/location/orientation of each bedrock source and also the true strength or conductance of each target. The overall results were extremely encouraging and revealed a number of strong bedrock conductors consistent with the presence of massive sulphides, namely eastern targets JRVA22, 23, 24 and 25 which had modelled conductance levels of >10000S. Bedrock conductors defined at the JRVA29 and JRVA30 targets appear to show good correlation with anomalous copper in historic soil and auger sampling.
FLTEM surveying at the Mt Venn project was anticipated to have been completed by the end of February/March, however due to heavy rainfall in the region, the programme had to be delayed up until recently. FLTEM surveying at Mt Venn is aimed at providing further refinement to the 5 priority VTEM anomalies that were delineated in December 2010. Additional VTEM anomalies defined south of MVVA6 have previously been refined and drill tested by Helix Resources (
ASX:HLX). Preliminary data received to date from the MVV5 target has provided encouraging results and defined several bedrock conductors of moderate strength.
For the complete Global Nickel Investments announcement including figures, please refer to the following link:
About Zinc of Ireland NL
Zinc of Ireland NL (ASX:ZMI), formerly Global Metals Exploration NL, is a mineral exploration company. The Company's principal activities include mineral exploration and project evaluation. The Company's projects include Kildare Project, which is located in County Kildare, approximately 40 kilometers south-west of Dublin; Ballinasloe Project, which is located in County Galway, over 50 kilometers east of Galway/Carnmore on the Glentaun-Cloonark Regional Structure; Navan Project, which is located approximately 15 kilometers south-east of the Navan Tara mine; Sligo Project, which is located over four kilometers north of Sligo in the western province of Connacht; Monaghan Project, which is located approximately 20 kilometers south-east of Monaghan in the eastern portion of the Longford-Down Inlier; Cork Project, which is located over 15 kilometers south-west of Cork, and Galway Project, which is located approximately 25 kilometers north-west of Galway in the Neoproterozoic Dalradian Supergroup.
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