Kasbah Resources Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Kasbah Resources Limited (ASX:KAS) Exploration Update For The Achmmach Tin Project
Kasbah Resources Limited (ASX:KAS) Exploration Update For The Achmmach Tin Project

Perth, Oct 7, 2009 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Kasbah Resources Limited (ASX:KAS) is pleased to provide this update as to the company's progress in Morocco.


The Meknes Zone Indicated (MZI) Resource drilling programme commenced on August 13.

The first hole of the planned 15,000 metre MZI programme (AD029) has intersected 22m of tin mineralization from 346m - 368m down hole.

The hole was drilled to test the continuity of mineralisation of the western extent of Meknes zone at the 900mRL on the 243050mE. Two different styles of mineralisation were intersected. The Meknes zone style corresponds to a brittle-ductile shear zone replaced by intense pervasive silica tourmaline alteration.

The visible cassiterite is associated with millimetre to centimetre scale quartz veins and spot analysis with the NITON hand held XRF indicates these veins run from 1% to 3% tin, consistent with this style of mineralisation intersected by previous drilling in the Meknes zone.

The second style of mineralisation is similar to that seen in the Eastern zone of the Achmmach hill, where tin (1-2%) is associated with pyrrhotite veins. This type of mineralisation has not previously been intersected in the Meknes zone.

The entire mineralized zone in AD029 has been oriented for structural measurements. Generally the quartz - cassiterite veins and the pyrrhotite - tin veins dip steeply to the north-northwest and northwest, confirming the initial interpretations of the 070-080 striking sub-vertical orientation of the main mineralized structures.

Both veins cut brecciated and sheared pervasive intense tourmaline silica altered sandstones and siltstones.

The two mineralisation styles form part of the Structure B, previously defined by ONHYM.

The AD029 drill hole extends the mineralisation intersected in the historic underground exploration workings to approximately 10 metres down dip from the 890mRL to the 880mRL and this indicates a potential true width of 8 - 10 metres.

Assays from bulk samples taken previously by the BRPM in the underground exploration gallery (from a 2-3 metre wide 070 oriented strike drive on the 890mRL which is centred 10 metre above the drill hole trace) returned 24m @ 0.91% tin. Ongoing drilling on the 243050mE section is planned to test this new 22m intersection 50 metres up dip at the 950mRL and 50m to 100m down dip on the 850mRL and the 800mRL.

Full assays for the drill hole are expected late in the month.


Wayne Bramwell
Tel: +61-8-9463-6651

Trevor Hart
CFO / Company Secretary
Tel: +61-8-9463-6651

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