Central Petroleum Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Range Pilot Update - Range-7 Spuds and Range-6 Completed
Range Pilot Update - Range-7 Spuds and Range-6 Completed

Brisbane, April 22, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Central Petroleum Limited (googlechartASX:CTP) (googlechartC9J:FRA) (googlechartCNPTF:OTCMKTS) advises that Range-7, the second well in the three well Range Pilot Programme, spudded on 22 April 2021 at 7.30am.

The Range-7 well has a target depth of 694m below rotary table (RT) and will be completed across the three seams of the Walloon Coal Measures. The pilot wells will be tested over several months to confirm water and gas flow rates.

The first well in the programme, Range-6, was successfully executed in line with the well plan. Total Depth (TD) was reached at 675m RT and the Walloons coals were intercepted over a depth range from 260m RT to 610m RT. The well was successfully cased and suspended with a slotted liner over the coals and the well was prepared for completion. The wells will be brought online once all pilot wells are drilled and completed and the wellhead facilities have been commissioned.

About the Range Gas Project

The Range Gas Project is a 50:50 Joint Venture between Central and a wholly owned subsidiary of Incitec Pivot Limited (googlechartASX:IPL) in ATP 2031, a 77 km2 permit located in the Surat Basin, Queensland. The Range Gas Project contains an estimated 270 PJ* of 2C Contingent Gas Resource (Central share: 135 PJ*) and is positioned for development to take advantage of an expected shortfall of gas supply in eastern Australia by 2024.

* Central's 50% net interest is 135 PJ. Resources are as at 15 August 2019 and were independently certified by Netherland, Sewell & Associates. These resources were first reported to the market on 20 August 2019. PJs rounded to nearest full PJ. Central Petroleum Limited is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in this announcement and all the material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the relevant market announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed.

To view the location of the Range CSG Pilot, please visit:

About Central Petroleum Limited

Central Petroleum LimitedCentral Petroleum Limited (ASX:CTP) is an established ASX-listed Australian oil and gas producer (ASX:CTP) with exploration and appraisal permits in the Northern Territory (NT). Central has grown to become the largest onshore gas operator in the NT, supplying residential and industrial customers in the NT and wider Australian east coast market. 

Central is seeking to become a major domestic energy supplier, in addition to helium and naturally occurring hydrogen, with exploration, appraisal and development plans across 169,112 km2 of tenements the NT, including some of Australia's largest known onshore conventional gas prospects in the Amadeus Basin.



Investor and Media Inquiries:
Greg Bourke: +61-478-318-702
Sarah Morgan: +61-421-664-969

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