Rumble Resources Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Drilling Commenced at Western Queen Gold Project
Drilling Commenced at Western Queen Gold Project

Perth, Feb 25, 2020 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Rumble Resources Ltd (googlechartASX:RTR) (googlechart20Z:FRA) is pleased to announce the commencement of diamond core and RC drilling at the Western Queen Project located approximately 100km north-west of Mt Magnet, Western Australia.

Rumble recently completed twenty (20) RC drill holes and three (3) diamond core tails down-plunge and along strike from the historic Western Queen Central mine and deposit (ASX Announcement 17th February 2020 - High-Grade Gold Discovery at The Western Queen Project).

The diamond core drilling was successful in extending gold mineralisation 300m down-plunge from historic drill hole WQD-1072 (6.3m @ 36.09 g/t Au from 305.7m).

WQRC007D intersected high-grade mineralisation 54m down-plunge and along strike from historic drill-hole WQD-1072 (6.3m @ 36.09 g/t Au from 305.7m).

- WQRC007D returned 6m @ 34.24 g/t Au from 354m (RC drill intersection)

WQRC020D intersected strong gold mineralisation 135m southwest along strike from WQRC007D (total 189m from WQD-1072). No previous drilling in this position. WQRC020D returned:

- WQRC020D - 4.4m @ 3.22 g/t Au from 349.9m (diamond core intersection)

WQRC023D intersected strong gold mineralisation 120m southwest along strike from WQRC020D (total 310m from WQD-1072). No previous drilling in this position. WQRC023D returned:

- WQRC023D - 5.35m @ 5.11 g/t Au from 365.5m (diamond core intersection)

The three (3) diamond core tails were subsequently surveyed by DHTEM (down-hole transient electromagnetic) and a strong association with higher conductance and high-grade gold mineralisation was confirmed. High-grade gold mineralisation is associated with pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, molybdenite and scheelite.

Drilling Planned

1. Western Queen Central Deposit - High Grade Gold Down-plunge

The current stage of drilling (up to four diamond core tails) will target the large conductor plate (interpreted to be a higher-grade gold zone) the lies below drill-holes WQRC020D and WQRC023D. The high-grade gold zone (down-plunge zone to Western Queen Central deposit) is inferred to extend at least 300m down-plunge from historic drill-hole WQD-1072 (6.3m @ 36.09 g/t Au from 305.7m).

2. Western Princess - New High-Grade Gold Shoot Discovery

The newly discovered Western Princess zone - see image 2 - is open down-plunge and along strike from hole WQRC011 (3m @ 19.9 g/t Au from 8m). RC drilling will test for high-grade gold continuity.

3. Western Queen Central North Extension

High-grade gold mineralisation intersected in WQRC002 (1m @ 11.8 g/t Au from 103m) lies 250m north of the historic Western Queen Central open cut mine. North of WQRC002, the gold mineralisation is completely open. RC drilling will test for extensions to this mineralisation.

About Western Queen Gold Project

The Western Queen Gold Project lies 110km NW of Mt Magnet within the Yalgoo mineral field of Western Australia ("the Project"). The Project comprises of two contiguous mining leases (M59/45 and M59/208) for a total area of 9.8 km2. The holder is Mt Magnet Gold Pty Ltd, an entity owned by Ramelius Resources (googlechartASX:RMS). Rumble entered into an option to acquire 100% of the Project in August 2019.

The Project is located within a 100km radius of three operating gold processing mills (see image 1*). The closest mill is the Dalgaranga Mill (48km) which has a capacity of 2.5 Mtpa. The Checkers Mill (Mt Magnet) has a capacity of 1.9 Mtpa and the Tuckabianna Mill has a capacity of 1.2 Mtpa.

The two mined deposits at the Western Queen Gold Project have a combined historic production of 880,000t @ 7.6 g/t Au for 215,000oz. The Western Queen (Central) Mine produced 660,000t @ 8.9 g/t Au for 189,500oz and the Western Queen South Mine (from two stages) produced 220,000t @ 3.6 g/t Au for 25,500oz.

An updated mineral resource (Payne Geological Services Pty Ltd - Independent) was completed in January 2018. Rumble has reviewed and verified the indicated and inferred resource (refer table 1 below), and estimates remaining resources beneath both mined deposits of 962,000t @ 3.9 g/t Au for 120,000oz. Of note the high-grade zone below the Western Queen Central Pit hosts inferred mineral resources of 130,000t at 9.0g/t Au for 38,000 ounces.

See previous ASX announcement dated 6th August 2019 "Option to Acquire High-Grade Western Queen Gold Project" for further details about the Project.

The mineral resource estimate for the Western Queen Gold Project was first reported by the Company in its announcement dated 6 August 2019. The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the relevant market announcement and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the previous announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed.

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Rumble Resources Ltd

Rumble Resources LtdRumble Resources Limited (ASX:RTR) (FRA:20Z) is an Australian based exploration company, officially admitted to the ASX on the 1st July 2011. Rumble was established with the aim of adding significant value to its current gold and base metal assets and will continue to look at mineral acquisition opportunities both in Australia and abroad. 


Shane Sikora
Managing Director
Phone: +61-8-6555-3980

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