Lara Exploration Limited

CVE:LRA ISIN:CA5166831092

Lara Exploration Limited (CVE:LRA) (PINK:LRAXF) is a prospect generator dedicated to the identification, acquisition and exploration of precious and base metal deposits and other resource opportunities in South America. The Company currently holds a portfolio of mineral properties in South America (Brazil, Colombia and Peru) and China.

Lara is building a large multi-commodity portfolio through growth and acquisition of new projects and opportunities. Currently, Lara has a portfolio of mineral properties in Brazil, with on-going exploration programs for phosphate rock, potash, nickel, gold, tin, copper, iron, lead and zinc mineralization. In Peru, the Company has 18 properties in Central and Southern Peru and continues to review acquisition opportunities. The Company also holds a substantial portfolio of phosphate exploration claims in Colombia and is actively seeking to expand its presence in the country. 

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2011년 10월5일 아시아 현장보고서: Stonehenge Metals (ASX:SHE), 한국 우라늄 사업 최근 현황 발표

🕔10/5/2011 12:50:20 PM 10981

2011년 10월5일 아시아 현장보고서: Stonehenge Metals Limited (ASX:SHE), 주요 지역의 최신 자원량 파악 위해 광구 최적화 예비 작업에 착수// Robust Resources Limited (ASX:ROL), 필리핀 구리/금 탐사자산 인수 완료// New Hope Corporation Limited (ASX:NHC), 업체 선별 후 인수 제안서 내용을 이사회에서 검토하도록 공식 절차에 착수할 예정// Avenue Resources Limited (ASX:AVY), Triumph Tin Mining Limited의 발행주식을 100% 인수하기로 하고 조건부 계약 체결// Plentex Limited (ASX:PRM), Organic Fuels Algae Technologies LLC의 주식을 모두 인수하기로 하고 조건부 계약 체결

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35,870 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 19) (지난 30일간: 80) (게재 이후: 6351) 

회사 데이터

  • +604-669-8777 
  • 팩시밀리
  • +604-688-1157 
  • 주요 분야
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  • 주요 기업
  • Mining & Metals 
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