Lara Exploration Limited (CVE:LRA) (PINK:LRAXF) is a prospect generator dedicated to the identification, acquisition and exploration of precious and base metal deposits and other resource opportunities in South America. The Company currently holds a portfolio of mineral properties in South America (Brazil, Colombia and Peru) and China.
Lara is building a large multi-commodity portfolio through growth and acquisition of new projects and opportunities. Currently, Lara has a portfolio of mineral properties in Brazil, with on-going exploration programs for phosphate rock, potash, nickel, gold, tin, copper, iron, lead and zinc mineralization. In Peru, the Company has 18 properties in Central and Southern Peru and continues to review acquisition opportunities. The Company also holds a substantial portfolio of phosphate exploration claims in Colombia and is actively seeking to expand its presence in the country.
Lara Exploration Limited
CVE:LRA ISIN:CA5166831092
2011年10月5日亞洲活動報告:Stonehenge Metals (ASX:SHE)已開始一項前期礦坑優化工作,以識別提高資源量的關鍵地區;Robust Resources Limited (ASX:ROL) 已收購多個菲律賓銅金礦勘探資產;New Hope Corporation Limited (ASX:NHC)將啟動邀請各方向董事會遞交提議的正式程序;Avenue Resources Limited (ASX:AVY)已達成一份有條件協議,收購Triumph Tin Mining Limited的全部已發行股份;Plentex Limited (ASX:PRM)已簽訂一份有條件協議收購Organic Fuels Algae Technologies LLC的全部股份。
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