East Asia Minerals Corporation
East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSXV-EAS) is pleased to report that recent sampling at the Sedi Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, has encountered additional high grade gold with grabs assaying 13.4, 15.0 and 42.6 gpt gold at Zone One, and 7.78, 11.2 and 16.0 gpt gold at Zone Two. In addition, grab sampling southeast of the Sedi Prospect has encountered 122.0, 82.4 and 73.8 gpt gold at the Kupa Prospect.
East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSXV-EAS) is pleased to report that drilling on the outcropping and sub-horizontal Abong Jasperoid within the Barisan Property, Aceh Province, Indonesia, continues to intersect significant, near surface epithermal gold mineralization. Drill hole ABD-05 intersected 2.32 g/t gold over 8.0 metres from 1.0 metres depth, ABD-06 intersected 1.42 g/t gold over 10.0 metres, and ABD-07 intersected 2.24 g/t gold over 12.0 metres from surface.
East Asia Minerals Corporation (TSXV-EAS) is pleased to report that its initial drilling on the Binebase Prospect at the Sangihe Property, Indonesia, encountered significant, near surface epithermal gold and silver mineralization in all holes completed to date.
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