During 2011/2012, NMI focussed its exploration efforts on the East Kalgoorlie Project in Western Australia, where the Company has strong indications of three gold mineralised systems within its tenure (Blair North, Kanowna Lights and Snake Hill Prospects). All prospects are ideally located to key infrastructure and gold processing facilities.
At the Camel Prospect in the Northern Territory, manganiferous outcrops occur in two discrete areas some 23 kilometres apart with limited exposure of rocks anomalous in manganese. At both areas, the zones of interest are covered by a shallow cover sequence. Rock chip values of the limited outcrop returned consistently elevated Mn results up to 15.7% Mn at Area 1 and up to 45.6% Mn at Area 2. The Prospect covers some ~3,260 hectares, is centred 127 kilometres southwest of Alice Springs and is readily accessed by the sealed Stuart Highway which passes through it. The Prospect is <110 km west of the Adelaide-Alice Springs Rail Corridor.
The Company's interest at the Radzimowice Project in Poland, is focussed on a bulk tonnage Au-Ag-Cu target which has not been subject to modern day exploration.