Pacific Basin Shipping Limited (HKG:2343) and its subsidiaries are engaged in the provision of shipping related services. The Company operates its business in three divisions: dry bulk shipping, energy and infrastructure service, and roll on roll off (RoRo) vessel shipping. Its dry bulk shipping division provides cargo shipping services with handysize and handymax vessels. The energy and infrastructure service division provides towage services, which includes offshore and project supply and harbor towage services; Fujairah bulk shipping services, including aggregate production and transportation services, and marine services, such as ship survey and inspection services. Its RoRo vessel shipping division is engaged in the carriage of industrial and consumer products.
Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
2012년 2월 9일 아시아 현장보고서: Pacific Basin Shipping Limited (HKG:2343), 미국에 소재한 Crowley Maritime Corporation과 비니지스 제휴 체결// Renesas Electronics Corporation (TYO:6723), 브라질 상파울루에 자회사 설립// Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd. (TYO:7238), 멕시코에 신규 공장설립 예정// Nikon Corporation (TYO:7731), 유효 화소수 3,630만 픽셀의 FX 포맷 디지털 SLR 카메라 Nikon D800 출시
72,871 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 18) (지난 30일간: 69) (게재 이후: 19714)