Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited


SaracenSaracen Mineral Holdings (ASX:SAR) is a shining example of the success being enjoyed by the new generation of Australian gold miners and their shareholders. Saracen is an ASX 200 listed gold mining company with annual production of over 300,000ozpa, with growing cash flows (forecast all-in sustaining cost of less than A$1,075/oz).

At the same time, Saracen has no debt thanks to its highly successful strategy of funding its project development from internal cash flows. Saracen's production comes from two WA projects, Carosue Dam Operation and its Thunderbox Operation. Both operations have long lives with extensive potential for further growth through exploration.

The combination of strong cash flow, no debt, and exploration upside has left Saracen perfectly positioned to take full advantage of the current gold environment. The proven board/Management team are focused on sustainable growth and adding value to key stakeholders.


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2011년 9월6일 아시아 현장보고서: Australia Minerals and Mining Group (ASX:AKA), 1.5억 톤 규모의 고령토 자원에서 알루미나 생산 성공

🕔9/6/2011 12:00:05 PM 12138

2011년 9월6일 아시아 현장보고서: Australia Minerals and Mining Group Limited (ASX:AKA), 자사의 1.5억 톤 규모의 고령토 자원에서 채취된 샘플에서 알루미나 성공적으로 추출// UXA Resources Limited (ASX:UXA), Nabarlek North 합작 투자 프로젝트에서 실시한 첫 번째 시추작업에서 우라늄 성분 확인// Saracen Mineral Holdings Limited (ASX:SAR), JORC 기준 광물 자원 총량을 금 360만 온스로 상향조정// Renaissance Uranium Limited (ASX:RNU), 자사 100% 소유의 남호주 Cutana 프로젝트에서 다수의 금 시추 목표지 확인// Tata Consultancy Services Limited (BOM:532540), Westpac 뉴질랜드 사업부와 협력 관계를 맺고 Westpac의 생명보험 사업부문 개선작업 지원

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회사 데이터

  • L11 / 40 The Esplanade
  • 전화
  • +61 8 6229 9100 
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