Paramount Mining Corporation Ltd
Paramount Mining Corporation Limited (Paramount) is engaged in the acquisition and development of interests in diamond exploration properties within Western Australia, Ghana and South Africa. The Company's projects in Ghana include Osenase project and Ochinso Project. In South Africa the Company in agreement with Rox Resources Limited acquired twelve projects with granted tenure, including two alluvial diamond projects and other ground containing poorly tested diamondiferous kimberlites, including the Z1 pipe up to five hectares in area, acquired through De Beers. In Australia the Company carries on its operations on Ullawarra project and Ellendale tenements.

2011년 3월24일 호주 시장보고서: Paramount Mining Corporation Limited (ASX:PCP), 석탄 합작투자 프로젝트의 가능성을 열어놓고 PT Antam (Persero) Tbk (ASX:ATM)와 포괄적인 MOU 체결// Genesis Minerals Limited (ASX:GMD), 칠레 Dinamarquesa와 Cerro Verde 프로젝트 자금 조달 위해 184만 5천 달러(A$) 조성// Aphrodite Gold Project (ASX:AQQ), 서호주 Aphrodite 금 프로젝트 자원량을 금 1,033,000 온스로 상향 조정// Avalon Minerals Limited (ASX:AVI), 스웨덴 Viscaria 구리/철 프로젝트에서 상당 규모의 고 등급 구리 시추
161,889 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 27) (지난 30일간: 124) (게재 이후: 12520)