Bhushan Steel Ltd.

Bhushan Steel Limited, formerly Bhushan Steel & Strips Ltd., is an India-based company that is principally engaged in the steel business. Bhushan Steel Limited provides a variety of products, such as cold rolled closed annealed (CRCA), galvanized and Color coated sheets, high-tensile steel trapping, hardened and tempered steel strips (HTSS) and precision tubes. In addition to these, the Company's Khopoli plant launched the Galume steel (aluminium and zinc coated sheet). The Company's two wholly owned subsidiaries include Bhushan Steel (Australia) PTY Ltd. and Bhushan Steel Global FZE. 

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Bhushan (BOM:500055)의 호가에 Bowen (ASX:BWN)의 지분 가격이 치솟다

🕔9/23/2010 11:20:21 AM 11487

인도의 Bhushan Steel (BOM:500055)이 시장 점령에서 지분 당 $0.10 AUD의 값을 불렀다고 호주의 석탄과 우라늄 탐사업체인 Bowen Energy Limited (ASX:BWN)가 발표했다.

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