Desane Group Holdings Limited


Desane Group HoldingsDesane Group Holdings Limited (ASX:DGH) is a property investment company. The Company's principal activities include property investment, property development (residential, commercial and industrial), property project management and resale, and property services. Its segments include Property Investment, Property Development, Property Project Management and Resale, Property Services, Plant and Equipment, and Other. The Property Investment segment includes rental income from prime real estate investments. The Property Development segment includes development projects, such as residential, commercial and industrial. The Property Project Management and Resale segment is engaged in property project management and resale of commercial, industrial and residential properties, principally in Sydney, Australia. The Property Services segment includes property and related services. Its geographical segment is New South Wales, Australia. Its properties include 13 Sirius Road, Lane Cove, 7 Sirius Road, Lane Cove, 91 Thornton Drive, Penrith, 159 Allen Street, Leichhardt and Suite 4, Jones Bay Wharf, 26-32 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont.


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1월20일 호주 시장보고서: 미국 은행주 실적에 관심 집중

🕔1/20/2010 9:30:09 AM 17033

미국 은행 실적 발표를 앞두고 불안해진 투자 심리로 금융주들이 하락하면서 목요일 호주 증시는 하락세로 마감했다. S&P/ASX200지수는 49.9포인트(1%) 하락한 4861.2를 기록했고, AO 지수는 46.5포인트(1%) 하락한 4889.6를 기록했다.

전체 기사 읽기

53,185 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 13) (지난 30일간: 58) (게재 이후: 7893) 

회사 데이터

  • Suite 4, Jones Bay Wharf
    26-32 Pirrama Road
    Pyrmont NSW 2009
  • 전화
  • +61-2-9555-9922  
  • 주요 분야
  • 부동산 
  • 주요 기업
  • Real Estate 
  • 홈페이지
  • E:

더 많은 뉴스 보기

  • 2024/08/26: Appendix 4G & Corporate Governance Statement 2024*
  • 2024/08/26: Preliminary Final Report*
  • 2024/08/23: FY24 Results Guidance*
  • 2024/08/07: Appointment of Managing Director / CEO*
  • 2024/07/30: Initial Director's Interest Notice*
  • 2024/07/30: Final Director's Interest Notice*
  • 2024/07/30: Appointment of Executive Director*
  • 2024/07/30: Appointment of Managing Director / CEO*
  • 2024/07/30: Retirement of Managing Director / CEO*
  • 2024/07/29: Desane Reduces Bank Borrowings by 25 Percent*
*refer to company website