Genetic Technologies Limited


Genetic Technologies was an early pioneer in recognizing important new applications for "non-coding" DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid). The Company has since been granted patents in 24 countries around the world, securing intellectual property rights for particular uses of non-coding DNA in genetic analysis and gene mapping across all genes in all multicellular species. Its three-pronged business strategy includes: 1) the global commercialization of its patents through an active licensing program; 2) the expansion of its dominant commercial genetic testing business in Australia; and, 3) the commercialization of its various research and development projects aimed at generating further intellectual property of global commercial significance. 

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1월7일 호주 시장보고서: 철광석 가격에 대한 낙관적 전망

🕔1/7/2010 9:30:30 AM 13135

수요일 호주 증시는 은행주의 부진으로 장 초반 상승 분을 반납한 채 보합세로 마감했다. 광산주는 철광석 가격에 대한 낙관적인 투자심리 덕분으로 상승했다. S&P/ASX200 지수는 1.6포인트 상승한 4925.9를 기록했고, AO 지수는 7.7포인트(0.15%) 상승한 4947.2를 기록했다.

전체 기사 읽기

46,917 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 18) (지난 30일간: 48) (게재 이후: 6713) 

회사 데이터

  • (03) 9417 2987 
  • 주요 분야
  • 제약 / 의료 
  • 주요 기업
  • Biotechnology 
  • 홈페이지

더 많은 뉴스 보기

  • 2024/06/28: Resignation of CFO and Company Secretary*
  • 2024/06/28: Business Update - June 2024*
  • 2024/06/25: GeneType identifies 79.5% at risk of serious disease*
  • 2024/06/24: Change in substantial holding*
  • 2024/06/21: GTG Live Investor Webinar and Q&A - June 27*
  • 2024/06/18: GTG Expands Operational Capacity in North America*
  • 2024/06/12: Notification regarding unquoted securities - GTG*
  • 2024/06/05: GeneType and Stayhealthy Announce Landmark Distribution Agre*
  • 2024/06/05: Change in substantial holding*
  • 2024/05/29: Launch of test for 100% risk of breast and ovarian cancer*
*refer to company website