China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited

HKG:0998 ISIN:CNE1000001Q4

China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited is a China-based commercial bank. The Bank provides retail banking services, including bank card services, personal financing, financial service for traveling and study abroad, personal loans, stock investments, foreign exchanges trading, fund investments, asset management services, personal savings, personal settlements and remittances, among others; corporate banking services, including account settlements, financing services, trading services, cash management, investment banking, asset management, international settlements and trade financing services, among others, as well as credit card services. The Bank also offers online banking services and automatic teller machine (ATM) services. In October 2009, the Bank acquired 70.32% interest in Citic International Financial Holdings Limited. 

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2011년 1월6일 호주 시장보고서: OnCard (ASX:ONC), Citic Bank (SHA:601998) (HKG:0998)와 Buffet Club 구매 공조 협약체결

🕔1/6/2011 1:30:00 PM 15916

2011년 1월6일 호주 시장보고서: OnCard (ASX:ONC), Citic Bank (SHA:601998) (HKG:0998)와 Buffet Club 구매 공조 협약체결// SA주 정부, Centrex Metals Limited (ASX:CXM)의 심해항만 계획 ‘Major Project’로 공표// Clough Limited (ASX:CLO), CACT 프로젝트 의향서 수령// China Magnesium Corporation Limited (ASX:CMC), Pingyao 마그네슘 프로젝트 지분 90.7%까지 확대

전체 기사 읽기

12월23일 아시아 시장동향

🕔12/23/2009 1:30:16 PM 20326

미 증시는 11월 기존주택 판매가 예상보다 큰 폭으로 증가했다는 소식으로 상승세로 마감했다. 기존주택 판매는 7.4%가 증가했는데, 이는 전문가들의 예상치 보다 두 배 이상 높은 것이다.

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