Schweiter Technologies

SWF:SWTQ ISIN:CH0010754924

Schweiter Technologies AG is a Switzerland-based company engaged in the development, manufacture and global distribution of machinery. The Company operates in two business divisions. SSM Textile Machinery is active in yarn processing and precision winding, offering winding systems for a range of applications. Ismeca Semiconductor concentrates on machines, which are used for backend-processes, such as assembly, testing, inspecting and packaging devices in semiconductor manufacturing. Schweiter Technologies AG has a number of subsidiaries in Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the United States. 

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12월1일 호주 시장보고서: 국내 소식으로 몰린 관심

🕔12/1/2009 1:00:25 PM 17063

밤새 미 증시는 두바이 월드가 채권은행들과 260억 달러(U$)규모의 부채와 관련하여 구조조정과정에 대한 건설적인 협의에 들어갔다고 밝힘에 따라 상승세로 마감했다. 글로벌 증시들은 두바이 사태 여파가 지역적 문제로 그칠 것이라는 투자자들의 판단과 함께 강한 상승세를 보였다.

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