AusTex Oil Limited


AusTex Oil Limited ASX AOKAusTex Oil Limited (ASX:AOK) (OTCQX:ATXDY) is a Public Company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and the OTCQX.

AusTex is focused on exploration and development of oil and gas leases in the USA. The company produces oil and gas in Oklahoma and Kansas and is currently developing producing leases in both states with interests in 11,600 net acres of oil and gas leases in the Mississippi Lime Play. The Company has net production of circa 800 boe/day with Independent 1P reserves certified at 3.505 Million BOE with NPV10 of US34.8 million as at 31 December 2015.

US operations are based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with an office at 1801 East 71st Street. International Energy Corporation (Oklahoma) is a wholly owned subsidiary and a licensed oil and gas operator in Oklahoma and Kansas.


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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 3월 17일

🕔3/17/2010 11:00:31 AM 17570

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는 Iron Road Limited (ASX:IRD), Meteoric Resources (ASX:MEI), Cougar Energy Limited (ASX:CXY), Magnetic Resources (ASX:MAU), ABM Resources NL (ASX:ABU), AusTex Oil Limited (ASX:AOK), Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM)입니다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 3월 12일

🕔3/12/2010 10:30:00 AM 21914

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주은 Iron Road Limited (ASX:IRD), Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (PINK:GALXF), AusTex Oil Limited (ASX:AOK), Beach Energy Limited (ASX:BPT) (PINK:BEPTF), Kairiki Energy Limited (ASX:KIK) (PINK:KAIRF), Magnetic Resources NL (ASX:MAU), Pluton Resources Limited (ASX:PLV)입니다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 3월 10일

🕔3/10/2010 11:00:54 AM 20779

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는 Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (PINK:GALXF), Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF), Australian Bauxite Limited (ASX:ABZ), Benitec Limited (ASX:BLT) (PINK:BNIKF), AusTex Oil Limited (ASX:AOK) (PINK:ATXDF), Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX:BND), WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL), Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN)입니다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 2월 18일

🕔2/18/2010 11:00:01 AM 17217

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는 Magnetic Resources NL (ASX:MAU), Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (PINK:GALXF), NewSat Limited (ASX:NWT) (OTC:NWTLY), AusTex Oil Limited (ASX:AOK) (PINK:ATXDF)입니다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 2월 16일

🕔2/16/2010 11:00:52 AM 22652

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는 Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (PINK:GALXF), Environmental Clean Technologies Limited (ASX:ESI), Republic Gold Limited (ASX:RAU), Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF), Beach Energy Limited (ASX:BPT) (PINK:BEPTF), AusTex Oil Limited (ASX:AOK) (PINK:ATXDF), Otto Energy Limited (ASX:OEL)입니다.

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12월14일 호주 시장보고서: 증시 하락세 탈피

🕔12/14/2009 9:30:21 AM 17562

거래가 한산한 가운데 금요일 호주 증시는 나흘 연속 하락세에 마침표를 찍고 상승세로 마감했다. 호주 증시는 미 증시 호조의 영향으로 상승세로 출발하였으며, 호주 자원에 대한 중국의 수요가 여전히 높다는 사실을 말해주는 중국산업생산수치에 힘입어 상승 분위기를 이어갔다. S&P/ASX 200 지수는 28.5포인트(0.62%)가 상승한 4635.20포인트를 기록했으며, AO 지수는 28.5포인트가 상승한 4651.40포인트를 기록했다. 이번 한 주간 호주 증시는 1.4% 하락했다.

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8월24일 호주 시장보고서: 미국 주택판매 호조로 시장 분위기 고조

🕔8/24/2009 1:00:37 PM 18937

금요일 미 증시는 미 주택판매지표로 경기 회복에 대한 시장의 자신감이 더욱 높아짐에 따라 나흘 연속 상승세를 이어갔다. 다우 지수는 주간 2% 상승을 기록했고, 스탠더드앤푸어스의 500 지수는 2.2%가 상승했다.

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153,593 회사 소개

  • 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 28) (지난 30일간: 96) (게재 이후: 18106) 

회사 데이터

  • Level 11
    2 Bligh Street
    Sydney NSW 2000
  • 전화
  • +61-2-9238-2363 
  • 팩시밀리
  • +61-2-8088-7280 
  • 주요 분야
  • 에너지 
  • 주요 기업
  • Energy 
  • 홈페이지
  • E:

더 많은 뉴스 보기

  • 2025/02/03: Chairman's Address to Shareholders - Strategy and Webinar*
  • 2025/01/31: December 2024 Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report*
  • 2025/01/28: Omnibus Settlement Agreement Update*
  • 2024/12/30: Settlement Agreement and Market Update*
  • 2024/12/11: Notice of Initial Substantial Holding*
  • 2024/11/26: Omnibus Settlement Agreement Update*
  • 2024/11/15: Omnibus Settlement Agreement Update*
  • 2024/11/01: Omnibus Settlement Agreement Update*
  • 2024/10/31: September 2024 Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report*
  • 2024/10/23: Notice under s708A*
*refer to company website