Cleveland Mining Company Ltd (ASX:CDG) is an Australian managed, ASX listed minerals company squarely focused on developing projects into mines. The company's management team have a track record for building successful projects from the ground up, providing Cleveland with the expertise to secure and build robust projects. Mining and production are underway at the Premier Gold Mine located in Crixas, in central Brazil. The company is also working to expand production developing the Lavra prospect, within the O Capitao Project, less than 10km away. Cleveland has a different approach to project selection with project economics driving target selection. Projects are chosen according to their likelihood of generating returns at the bottom of the economic cycle.
Cleveland Mining Company Limited
Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 18 de marzo de 2011 incluye: Cleveland Mining Company Limited (ASX:CDG) firma Carta de Intención por la adquisición de Proyecto Aurífero, el desarrollo El Chapo de Canela en Chile central; RMG Limited (ASX:RMG) adquiere Proyecto de Zinc Kamarga; Gold Road Resources Limited (ASX:GOR) excede producción de oro por 1 millón de onzas en el Proyecto Yamarna; Coalworks Limited (ASX:CWK) concluye primera fase del barreno en el Proyecto de Carbón Ferndale.
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