Octanex NL


Octanex N.L. (NSX:OCT) is an Australia-based company engaged in petroleum exploration and investment. The Company through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, holds working interests in 10 petroleum exploration permits and residual and royalty interests in a further three such permits, all situated in the offshore basins of Australia. Five of the permits in which interests are held by the Company are located in the Exmouth Sub-basin (WA-322-P, WA-329-P, WA-384-P, WA-385-P and WA-394-P), with a further four permits located on the Exmouth Plateau (WA-362-P, WA-363-P, WA-386-P and WA-387-P). Two of the permits are located in the Dampier Sub-basin (WA-323-P and WA-330-P), while the two remaining permits (EPP34 and Vic/P61) are located in the Otway Basin, offshore of South Australia and Victoria respectively. On March 9, 2009, the Company acquired Strata Resources Pty Ltd. 

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Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 3 de febrero de 2011: Crusader Resources (ASX:CAS) expande significativamente exploración aurífera en Brasil

🕔2/3/2011 1:30:00 PM 13857

Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 3 de febrero de 2011 incluye: Crusader Resources Limited (ASX:CAS) continúa extendiendo la mineralización conocida en el Proyecto de Oro Borborema en Brasil; WPG Resources Limited (ASX:WPG) por establecer una sociedad compartida con Evergreen Energy Inc. (NYSE:EEE) para desarrollar y comercializar tecnología del "Combustible K" a través de Australia; Xanadu Mines Limited (ASX:XAM) y Noble Group (SIN:N21) conforman una alianza estratégica en Mongolia; Octanex N.L. (ASX:OXX) por comenzar operaciones de barreno en las costas de Australia del Oeste.

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88,425 Visitas al Perfil de la Empresa

  • Número de visitas: (Últimos 7 Días: 14) (Últimos 30 Días: 68) (Desde su Publicación: 8207) 

Datos de la Empresa

    Principal Sector
  • Energy 
  • Principal Industria
  • Energy 
  • Página Principal
  • www.octanex.com.au