Newsat Limited
Utilising the latest generation satellite and VSAT technology, NewSat offers end-toend, affordable, high-speed, two-way satellite broadband communication services, products and solutions to broadcasters, cable programmers, news agencies, telecommunication carriers, Internet service providers, corporations, governments and distance-learning networks. In addition, NewSat Networks operates multiple Broadband IP Services based on technologies developed by ViaSat, Gilat, Hughes, Comtech and iDirect.
Services are available on a wide range of satellites accessible from the Perth and Adelaide facilities. Antenna sizes ranging from 3.7 to 13m are available in addition to all the necessary RF and conversion equipment. Customers may co-locate equipment in these facilities, or NewSat can provide an end-to-end service.
Der australische Marktbericht vom 1. April 2011 beinhaltet: Renaissance Uranium Limited (ASX:RNU) hat mit Bohrarbeiten in seinem Pirie-Basin-Projekt in Südaustralien begonnen; CNOOC Gas & Power Group wird Pachtlizenz für 50%-ige Beteiligung an den fünf unkonventionellen Gasfödergenehmigungen von Exoma Energy Limited (ASX:EXE) erwerben; NewSat Limited (ASX:NWT) hat Auftrag erhalten, Satellitenkommunikationsdienste für US-Militärtruppen in Afghanistan bereitzustellen; Orocobre Limited (ASX:ORE) (TSE:ORL) berichtete über erhöhte Ressourcenschätzungen in seinem Lithium-Pottasche-Projekt in Salar de Olaroz in Argentinien.
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