Buru Energy Limited


Buru EnergyBuru Energy Limited is an ASX listed Australian oil and gas exploration and production company solely focused on exploring and developing the petroleum resources of the Canning Basin, in the southwest of the Kimberley region of in north-western Western Australia.
Buru Energy was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Perth, with a regional office in Broome.

The Company has a 50% operating interest in the currently producing, Ungani Oilfield and holds interests in an extensive portfolio of petroleum exploration permits covering approximately 5.5 million gross acres (3.53 million net acres) in the Canning Basin. Buru Energy is the largest acreage holder in the Canning Basin and is operator of all of its exploration permits.

Buru Energy is committed to delivering value to its shareholders, the Traditional Owners of the lands on which it operates, the community and the State of Western Australia through responsible, safe, innovative and cost effective exploration, development and production of our assets.

Buru's dominant acreage position in the onshore Canning Basin, backed up by its production from the Ungani Oilfield, strong cashflow and large underexplored resources, provide a platform for significant value creation for its shareholders.


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Australischen Marktbericht der 20. April: Mehr Besserungen dem Markt

🕔4/20/2009 1:00:38 PM 20615

Die australische Aktien haben mit kleinen Änderungen am Freitag geendet. Der S&P/ASX200 Index hat nur einen Punkt auf 3776,7 Punkte hinzugefügt, während die breiteren ALL ORDINARIES hat 2,5 Punkte auf 3728,1 gewonnen. Der lokale Markt wird voraussichtlich hinter den stärkeren Metallpreisen aufgehoben. Heute wird der Schwerpunkt des Markts dem jährlichen australischen Treffen der Rio Tinto.

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Company Data

  • Level 2, 16 Ord Street
    West Perth WA 6005
  • Telephone
  • 1800 219 070 
  • Principal Sector
  • Gas & Öl 
  • Principal Industry
  • Materials 
  • Homepage
  • www.buruenergy.com
  • E:
  • info@buruenergy.com

More News Results

  • 2025/03/25: Listing Rule 3.13.1 Disclosure*
  • 2025/03/25: ESG Report*
  • 2025/03/25: Corporate Governance Statement & Appendix 4G*
  • 2025/03/25: Annual Report*
  • 2025/01/24: Asset Sale*
  • 2025/01/23: Notification regarding unquoted securities - BRU*
  • 2025/01/23: Issue of Performance Rights*
  • 2025/01/21: Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report - Dec 2024*
  • 2024/12/17: Activities Update*
  • 2024/11/29: Change of Director's Interest Notice*
*refer to company website