Eroad Limited (ASX:ERD) modernises road charging and tax compliance and health and safety compliance for road transport by replacing paper-based systems with easy-to-use electronic systems that also improve fleet management. The company is headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, and dual-listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), and New Zealand Exchange (NZX). Its US business is based in Portland, Oregon, serving customers with vehicles operating in every US mainland state, growing outward in concentration from the Northwest.
Eroad Limited
2011年7月18日亞洲活動報告:TVN Corporation Limited (ASX:TVN) 已在蒙古中部的Nuurst項目鑽遇一個137米厚的含煤系統;Hunnu Coal Limited (ASX:HUN)已經收到蒙古Tsant Uul項目的開採牌照;United Uranium Limited (ASX:UUL)已開始在北領地的McArthur River項目開始鑽探;Exalt Resources Limited (ASX:ERD)已在新南威爾士州其全資所有的Mineral Hill South 項目完成大量地球物理查勘。
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