Teranga Gold Corporation

TSE:TGZ ISIN:CA8807971053

Teranga Gold Corporation (ASX:TGZ) is a Toronto-based gold company, which was created to acquire the Sabodala gold mine and a large regional exploration land package, located in Senegal, West Africa, from Mineral Deposits Limited. The Company’s exploration activities have been focused on geological mapping, interpretation and geochemical sampling to identify drill targets. 



2011年5月3日亞洲股市報告:A-Cap Resources Limited (ASX:ACB)博茨瓦納Letlhakane 鈾礦項目資源量提升65%

🕔5/3/2011 12:00:40 PM 9042

2011年5月3日亞洲股市報告:A-Cap Resources Limited (ASX:ACB) 的博茨瓦納Letlhakane 鈾礦項目資源量提升65%;Tanami Gold NL (ASX:TAM)報告西部和中部Tanami項目更多高品位見礦結果;Teranga Gold Corporation (ASX:TGZ)報告塞內加爾Sabodala 金礦新發現;Sultan Corporation Limited (ASX:SSC)公佈位於黑山MB項目有920萬噸符合JORC準則的鋅、鉛和銅推斷資源量。


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