Carnarvon Petroleum Limited is an oil and gas exploration company, listed on the Australian stock exchange (ASX:CVN), Frankfurt (FRA:CJB) and US OTC (OTCMKTS:CVONF). Carnarvon has an extensive acreage position in the North West Shelf of Western Australia that is designed to offer investors high alpha leverage to the energy sector. The company's near term focus is on maturing oil, gas and condensate discovered in its Phoenix project, with partner Quadrant Energy, and on bringing into production oil from the Buffalo field.
Carnarvon Petroleum Limited
2011年10月12日亞洲活動報告:Fortescue Metals Group Limited (ASX:FMG)表示Nyidinghu礦體蘊藏的鐵礦石資源總量已超過20億噸,該公司的資源總量也超過了114.2億噸; Credo Resources Limited(ASX:CRQ)已簽署一份協議,收購在布基納法索金礦勘探許可證的大量權益;Carnarvon Petroleum Limited (ASX:CVN)及其合資夥伴Pan Orient Energy (CVE:POE)表示已在泰國陸上成功鑽出NSE-F6開發井;Unity Mining Limited (ASX:UML)已簽訂一份協議,轉租入Greatland Gold plc (LON:GGP)持有的Firetower勘探項目。
2011年7月14日亞洲活動報告:Aura Energy Limited (ASX:AEE)今天表示,其位於毛里塔尼亞的Reguibat項目的初始JORC推斷鈾礦資源量估計為5020萬磅,八氧化三鈾品位為330ppm; Carnarvon Petroleum Limited (ASX:CVN)提供了其泰國陸上石油勘探項目的運營進展更新;Universal Coal plc (ASX:UNV)將其Berenice-Cygnus煉焦煤項目符合JORC準則的煤資源量提高至12億噸;Automotive Technology Group (ASX:ATJ) 已任命Kenmar Corporation為該公司在北美和南美原始設備製造商市場的獨家銷售代理。
2011年1月7日澳洲股市:中國雲南銅業澳大利亞有限公司(ASX:CYU)在昆士蘭發現重大重稀土元素礦藏;Carnarvon Petroleum Limited (ASX:CVN)更新泰國陸上石油鑽探作業進展情況;Brighton Mining Group Limited (ASX:BTN)在柬埔寨的Antrong項目下週將開始鑽探;Ord River Resources Limited (ASX:ORD)已完成老撾鋁土礦項目的Yuqida礦權地的鑽探工作。
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