Navigator Resources Limited
The Company acquired the Bronzewing Gold Project in late 2009, and this Project recommenced production in April 2010. Navigator also continues to pursue development opportunities at the Leonora Gold Project by initially carrying out a trial mining program. The Company's medium term objective is to target 150,000oz pa of gold production from these two open pit projects.
The Company also maintains an interest in assets in the East Kimberley region, including the 100% owned Cummins Range Rare Earth Project.
2011年11月1日亞洲活動報告:Montezuma Mining (ASX:MZM)報告最近在其全資所有的西澳Butcherbird銅礦項目完成的19個鑽孔的鑽探項目獲得出色銅結果;Hannans Reward Ltd (ASX :HNR)公佈了正在Jigalong項目進行的鑽探工作的最新進展;生物醫學公司Tissue Therapies Limited (ASX:TIS)今天表示,美國食品和藥品管理局(FDA)已將VitroGro(R)合成蛋白質歸入生物製品類別;Navigator Resources Limited (ASX:NAV)位於珀斯東北部960公里處的Bronzewing金礦項目自開始運營以來,現已達到出產1000,000盎司黃金的里程碑。
2010年11月8日澳洲股市:Intrepid Mines (ASX:IAU)印尼高品位金礦化區擴大;iCash Payment Systems Limited (ASX:ICP)增持其韓國子公司neoICP的4.71%的股份;Navigator Resources Limited (ASX:NAV)公佈西澳高品位金礦化;Adamus Resources Limited (ASX:ADU)的加納西南部富金硫化礦石區擴大。
2010年10月25日澳洲股市報告包括:Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU)將開始一項土壤勘查,以圈定北領地Denison稀土/鈾礦項目的鑽探靶區;Navigator Resources Limited (ASX:NAV)已籌資1100萬澳元用於勘探;Centaurus Metals Limited (ASX:CTM)已開始新的JORC資源估算和選礦測試工作;Shaw River Resources (ASX:SRR)在西澳的Baramine項目已鑽遇品位更高的礦體.
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