Overland Resources Limited (Overland Resources) is an Australian based minerals exploration and development company whose primary objective is to deliver long-term shareholder value by rapidly becoming a mid-tier resource company. The Company strives to achieve this through the discovery, acquisition and development of economic mineral deposits.
Overland Resources Limited
Zinc Co Australia Ltd (ASX:ZNC) 的Mount Alexander West磁鐵礦找礦區的反循環鑽探取得積極結果。此次鑽探作業完成了個反循環鑽孔(2300m),這一找礦區是Mount Alexander找礦區的條帶狀鐵建造(BIF)的延續,覆蓋在淺土層之下,這一條帶狀鐵建造在E08/1410區域內露頭,成為一條向東2.5公里的突出山脊。 Zinc Co在2010年3月11日宣布了位於Mount Alexander的6億至12億噸、品位介於含鐵量25%至35%的勘探目標,此勘探目標就在BIF的一條4.2公里的走向段上。為界定Mount Alexander勘探遠景區的初始階段JORC 資源量,目前正計劃進行一次鑽探作業並在辦理相關許可。
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