China Merchants Securities Company Limited

SHA:600999 ISIN:CNE1000002M1

China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. (SHA:600999), a securities company controlled by century-old China Merchants Group, was founded in August 1991. After 18 years’ development, the Company’s overall strength has been established as China’s top 10. The Company provides investors with full range of securities investment and financing services such as securities broking, offering and underwriting, mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”), asset restructuring, financial advisory, asset management, and investment consultancy. The Company is one of the earliest members of China’s stock exchanges, one of the earliest certified comprehensive securities companies, one of the earliest lead underwriters, one of the earliest members of the inter-bank lending market, one of the earliest securities companies qualified for conducting proprietary trading, on-line broking and assets management businesses and one of the earliest innovative pilot securities companies. 




🕔8/20/2010 4:43:23 PM 8058

阜豐集團(HKG:0546) (PINK:FFNGY)公佈2010年中報業績。銷售收入同比增加45.4%到29.8億元(人民幣,下同),股東應佔盈利同比增加30%到4.6億元。每股盈利達到0.32元,公司擬派發中期股息0.11元。公司上半年黃原膠業務是亮點,毛利佔比提高到20%,且擬年底投入市場的另一高毛利率產品蘇氨酸將成為新的業績增長點。我們維持2010-2012年EPS預測0.66、0.88及1.11元。我們略微調高目標價到10港元,基於10X11PE, 我們維持公司股票買入評級。


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  • 3/F Huifangyuan
    8 Xuefu Road
    Nanshan, Shenzhen
  • 主要部門
  • 廣告与媒體 
  • 支柱產業
  • None 
  • 主頁