GBM Resources Limited


GBM Resources Limited is an Australia-based Company. The Company is principally engaged in the business of exploration of gold and copper. In Victoria the Malmsbury Project located in the Bendigo zone of Victoria has produced 70M ounces of gold. In Western Victoria, the Willaura project is located in the Mt Stavely belt. As of June 30, 2009, the Company has completed initial drilling programme at Bungalien in Queensland. The Company’s Dee Range Project is located 20 kilo meters south west of the historic mining town Mt Morgan, which lies about 30 kilo meters south west of the city of Rockhampton. The Company’s subsidiaries include Syndicated Resources Exploration Pty Ltd, Belltopper Hill Pty Ltd, Willaura Minerals Pty Ltd, ISA Tenements Pty Ltd and ISA Brightlands Pty Ltd. 



亞洲股權新聞: 2015-07-02 江西中部礦業將入股GBM Resources (ASX:GBZ)

🕔7/2/2015 10:10:35 AM 7424

Australian resources company GBM Resources (ASX:GBZ)宣布,已與隸屬於江西省煤炭地質局的中國國有企業江西中部礦業有限公司(JCM)簽訂股份收購框架協議,確認江西中部礦業將戰略投資GBM並成為合作夥伴。



🕔11/28/2011 12:00:43 PM 9589

2011年11月28日亞洲活動報告:豐田汽車公司(TYO:7203)已推出最新跑車"86";世界最大的鋁生產企業United Company Rusal Plc (簡稱"UC RUSAL") (HKG:0486)已簽約收購深圳北方投資有限公司的33%股份;Bathurst Resources Limited (ASX:BTU)宣布其Buller項目生產的煤首次裝船出運;澳洲資源公司GBM Resources Limited (ASX:GBZ)已在Milo項目發現寬闊的稀土和釔礦化帶。


2011年9月2日亞洲活動報告:Investigator Resources (ASX:IVR)公佈南澳高品位銀髮現地

🕔9/2/2011 12:00:14 PM 9404

2011年9月2日亞洲活動報告:Investigator Resources (ASX:IVR)今天公佈其南澳Paris探礦區資源大幅提升;Apollo Minerals Limited (ASX:AON)在其全資所有的南澳Commonwealth Hill地產上辨識出這裡很有可能蘊藏大量鐵礦化;Venturex Resources Limited (ASX:VXR)公佈,皮爾巴拉VMS銅鋅礦的重要組成部分——Sulphur Springs銅鋅礦床的JORC儲量提高45%,至570萬噸;GBM Resources Limited (ASX:GBZ)今天表示,在昆士蘭Bungalien項目的轉租地區完成的第一個鑽孔返回很寬的銅礦化段。


2011年7月7日亞洲活動報告:Oceanwide 將增持CuDeco Limited (ASX:CDU)股份至19.9%

🕔7/7/2011 12:09:18 PM 9892

2011年7月7日亞洲活動報告:CuDeco Limited (ASX:CDU) 今天表示外商投資審查委員會(FIRB)已批准Oceanwide International Resources Investment Co. Limited 增持CuDeco的股票至19.9%​​;Aston Resources Limited (ASX:AZT)宣布完成Maules Creek煤礦項目的最終可行性研究;GBM Resources Limited (ASX:GBZ)已在Milo項目辨識出以前未被發現的稀土元素和釔礦化;Aguia Resources Limited (ASX:AGR)已簽署一份購買選擇權協議,收購巴西東南部的兩個潛在大型磷礦項目的100%權益。


2011年6月14日亞洲活動報告:GBM Resources (ASX:GBZ)報告Milo氧化鐵銅金探礦區重要結果

🕔6/14/2011 12:00:37 PM 9403

2011年6月14日亞洲活動報告:GBM Resources Limited (ASX:GBZ) 報告了昆士蘭Milo探礦區的銅、金、銀、鈷、鉬和鈾結果;Kidman Resources Limited (ASX:KDR)報告新南威爾士州中部的Blind Calf的第三階段鑽探工作結果;African Iron Limited (ASX:AKI)增派兩台鑽機加快剛果Mayoko鐵礦石項目的資源界定鑽探;Dampier Gold Limited (ASX:DAU) 收到了最近在Cinnamon、K1和Keillor East金礦完成的反循環鑽孔的更多顯著結果。



🕔12/17/2009 9:30:22 AM 15262

澳洲統計局發布了顯示經濟增長令人失望的GDP數字後,澳洲股市週三回吐出早先的漲幅。收盤時,基準指數S&P/ASX200 下跌11.6 點, 跌幅0.2%, 報4661.9 點;, 綜合指數下挫11.7 點, 或0.2%, 報4676.1點。


111,288 公司背景瀏覽

  • 本頁瀏覽人次: (過去7日: 47) (過去30日: 130) (自發布以來: 20505) 


  • 材料 
  • 支柱產業
  • 採礦及金屬 
  • 主頁


  • 2024/06/03: Investor Presentation - Peak Asset Management Event*
  • 2024/05/29: Cloncurry Project- Drilling has Commenced at Mt Margaret*
  • 2024/05/24: Newmont Commences Drilling at Mt Coolon Gold Project*
  • 2024/05/07: Cloncurry Project - Drilling to Commence at Mt Margaret*
  • 2024/04/30: Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 5B*
  • 2024/04/23: Change of Registered Office*
  • 2024/04/16: Notification regarding unquoted securities - GBZ*
  • 2024/04/16: Application for quotation of securities - GBZ*
  • 2024/04/16: Issue of Securities and Cleansing Notice*
  • 2024/03/27: Amended Company Presentation - Singapore Resources Forum*
*refer to company website