Syrah Resources Limited (Syrah) is an Australia-based company. The principal activities of the Company are the exploration and evaluation of mineral resources. The Company operated predominately as an explorer for base and precious metals within Australia. As of June 30, 2009, Syrah was exploring its project areas in Queensland and South Australia. In the Mt Isa Block of NW Queensland, Syrah has three project areas: Levuka, Archie- Mackenzie and Norfolk. The Archie-Mackenzie Project comprises Archie EPM 15073 and Mackenzie EPM 15071, covering a total area of 491 kilometers. The Levuka Project comprises two EPM’s located approximately 65 kilometers southeast of Cloncurry and 15 kilometers south of the Eloise mine in the Mt Isa Eastern succession. The Mt Lyndhurst Project comprises two Exploration Licenses. The Norfolk Project comprises three EPM applications.
Syrah Resources Ltd
Syrah Resources (ASX:SYR)欣然報告關於擬在美國建立一個球形石墨設施的內部經濟評估結果,該評估由中鋁國際工程股份有限公司和一家領先的球形石墨生產企業協助完成。董事總經理Tolga Kumova評論道:"將球形石墨的生產納入整個商業戰略中的決定,是由全球消費需求所驅動的;公司首席技術顧問的任命,將使Syrah在這一領域的技術力量得以加強。"
因美元匯價驟升,大宗商品價格因而下跌,澳大利亞股市週一在清淡交易中收盤走低,資源股領跌。收盤時,基準S&P/ASX200 指數下跌25.7 點, 或0.6%, 報4676.5 點; 綜合指數下跌26 點, 或0.6%, 報4695.2 點。
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