Vodafone Group plc
Vodafone Group Plc (Vodafone) is engaged in providing service, such as voice, messaging, data and fixed line and others. Voice services include provision of mobile voice communications. Messaging include text, picture and video messaging on mobile devices. Date services provide e-mail, mobile connectivity and Internet on mobile. Fixed broadband offerings include communications services for both consumers. The Company is organized in two geographic segments: Europe, and Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia, Pacific, and Affiliates. The Company offers a range of devices to access its services, such as handsets, the Vodafone Mobile Connect card with third generation broadband and the Vodafone Mobile Connect USB modem.

2011年8月12日亞洲活動報告:新近在澳洲股市上市的稀土公司Strategic Elements Limited (ASX:SOR) 已將尋找稀土和稀有金屬的範圍擴大至愛爾蘭;Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA)已收到芬蘭北部Kuusamo金礦項目的Hangaslampi礦床鑽探作業的第一批結果;Canyon Resources Limited (ASX:CAY)已簽署一份購買布基納法索Wilier項目的協議;Whinnen Resources Limited (ASX:WWW)已開始智利北部Nany-Varas金礦項目的初次鑽探作業;Piramal Healthcare (BOM:500302)和Vodafone Group (LON:VOD)宣布,Piramal已同意購入Vodafone Essar Limited的約5.5%的已發行股份。
昨夜,受好於預期的企業財報和經濟數據的鼓舞,華爾街反彈上揚。今天上午,澳洲股市開盤上揚。 S&P/ASX200指數上漲0.77%,綜合指數上漲0.74%。材料類股上漲0.9%,工業類股上漲0.7%,金融類股上漲0.6%。
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