Oil Search Limited (ASX:OSH) (OTCMKTS:OISHY) Oil Search Limited is engaged in the exploration, development and production of oil and gas fields. The Company holds interest in the PNG LNG Project, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) development project. It holds interest in Papua LNG Project. Its segments include PNG oil and gas, which includes the exploration, evaluation, development, production and sale of crude oil, natural gas, condensate and other refined products.
Oil Search Limited
ASX:OSH ISIN:PG0008579883
週三澳洲股市雖然因為之前華爾街股市的帶領而高開,但是收市仍然回落。 S&P/ASX200指數下跌23.6點,或0.67%,報3499.63點,而綜合指數下跌29.9點,或0.85%,報3483.23點。一年時間股市價值蒸發了一半,約值8040億澳元。分析師認為市場沒有刺激因素難以上漲,每次看起來見底的時候都因為海外市場把澳股拉低。
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