Prescient Therapeutics Ltd
Prescient Therapeutics Limited is a clinical-stage oncology company. The Company's principal activities include in-licensing of intellectual property; the preparation for and conduct of clinical trials relating to the Company's products; business development associated with the promotion of its technologies and products, and business development associated with developing collaborative, partnership relationships and corporate transactions.

2011年2月14日澳洲股市报告包括:Black Fire Minerals (ASX:BFE)将收购美国内华达州已开发的Pilot Mountain钨-铜项目的100%股份;Virax Holdings Limited (ASX:VHL)将开发一种皮肤癌新药;Southern Cross Goldfields Limited (ASX:SXG)在西澳发现近地表高品位金矿;Prosperity Resources Limited (ASX:PSP)在印尼开始钻探。
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