JFE Shoji Holdings Inc.
TYO:3332 ISIN:JP3386020006
JFE Shoji Holdings Inc. is a Japan-based company principally engaged in the steel manufacturing business. The Company has four business segments. The Steel and Steel-related segment specializes in the purchase, processing and sale of steel products, as well as the purchase and sale of steel materials.

2010年10月20日澳洲股市报告包括:JFE商事株式会社收购Cockatoo Coal Limited (ASX:COK)在Bowen盆地的煤矿项目股份;PanAust Limited (ASX:PNA)将向老挝Phu Kham铜金业务投资1.1亿美元;Poseidon Nickel Limited (ASX:POS)已在Cerberus矿钻遇品位高于预期的硫化镍;Transol Corporation Limited (ASX:TNC)已收购两个新的柬埔寨黄金项目。
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