Rincon Resources Limited (ASX:RCR) has 100% interest in three exploration assets in Western Australia that are highly prospective for copper, gold, Nb, REEs, and other critical metals required for the energy transition. These are the West Arunta Project, the South Telfer Project, and the Laverton Project.
Rincon Resources Limited
ASX:RCR ISIN:AU0000116352
周五华尔街因美国企业财报良好而继续上扬之后,澳洲股市今天开盘走强。股市开盘铃声响过不久,S&P/ASX200 指数就上扬0.95%,触及4500点水平线。健康类和消费者必需品类股票领涨。
因为对全球需求的担忧打击到石油和基本金属的价格,周五澳洲股市受大矿业股拖累收跌。基本指数S&P/ASX200 下跌 52.3 点,或 1.37%,报 3,761.6 点,综合指数下跌 49.3 点,或 1.3%,报 3,755.4 点。预计能源股会随着大宗商品价格走强而扬升。澳洲证券投资委员会从今天开盘时间起解除对有担保的卖空金融股的禁令。
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