Heron Resources Limited is engaged in the production, exploration and development of base and precious metals in Australia. Heron's primary focus is on its 100% owned, high-grade Woodlawn Zinc-Copper Project located 250km southwest of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. With production having commenced in the second quarter of CY2019, the Company is on track to participate in the pricing environment supported by a strong zinc physical market. In addition, the Company has a number of significant high quality, base and precious metal tenements regional to the Woodlawn Project.
Heron Resources Ltd
周一澳洲股市未受市场对美国投行摩根大通的担忧的影响,收市略涨。由于周五Commonwealth Bank利润上调后的乐观情绪还在持续,今天澳洲银行类股票上涨。基准指数S&P/ASX200上涨11.5点, 或0.23%, 至4,911.1点;综合指数上涨6.6点, 或0.13%, 至 4,936.1点。
澳洲股市收跌,华尔街下挫之后澳洲股市出现大面积抛盘。基本指数 S&P/ASX200 下滑 45.4%, 跌幅 1.2%, 报 3755.7点, 综合指数跌 41.4 点, 跌幅 1.1%, 报 3753.9 点。
昨天澳洲股市受金融股拖累收盘微跌。基本指数S&P/ASX200 下挫 10.7 点,或 0.28%,报 3813.9 点,综合指数下跌 4.2 点,或 0.11%,报 3804.7 点。
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