Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc.
TYO:9501 ISIN:JP3585800000
Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated (The) was established in 1951 and is Japan's largest electric power supplier. The company is based in the Tokyo metropolitan area and surrounding prefectures, operates one hundred and fifty seven hydroelectric power plants, twenty nine thermal power plants and three nuclear power plants and supplies electricity to about 23.2 million households and 2.8 million commercial and industrial customers. One of the world's largest electric utilities, TEPCO has a generating capacity of 57,800 MW, produced by fossil fuel (56%), nuclear (30%), and hydroelectric (14%) power sources. Seeking diversity in the face of a reduced monopoly status caused by deregulation, TEPCO is moving into communications. It owns a major stake in Tokyo Telecommunication Network (TTNet, local and long-distance phone service). TEPCO is in a telecommunications joint venture with nine other Japanese electric companies.

东京电力公司(TYO:9501)(TEPCO) 将收购澳大利亚的Wheatstone 液化天然气(LNG)项目的11.25%的权益。 12月5日,东京电力与领导该项目的Chevron Australia Pty Ltd 和 Chevron (TAPL) Pty Ltd签署了一份有关参与该项目和购买液化天然气的基本协议。这是东京电力在投资澳洲的 Bayu-Undan 气田开发项目之后,第二次投资上游LNG开发。
参与巴布亚新几内亚的液化天然气项目的Oil Search (ASX:OSH), Santos (ASX:STO) 和 ExxonMobil (NYSE:XOM) 表示,其合资公司将每年向三个主要的亚洲买家出售约430万吨的液化天然气,其商业条款已经达成一致。
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