Bouygues SA
EPA:EN ISIN:FR0000120503
Bouygues SA (CAC: EN). Operating through the following divisions: BUILDING & CIVIL WORKS: building and civil works, oil and gas contracting, waterproofing, electrical contracting; ROADS: production and distribution of aggregates, asphalt mixes and binders; PROPERTY: property development activities, apartments, cluster housing, offices, commercial premises, building plots, fully equipped development sites; PUBLIC UTILITIES MANAGEMENT: management of water and sewage services, design and construction of drinking water and sewage treatment plants, solid waste management, cleansing services, power distribution, gas and oil production; TELEVISION: interest in TF1, publishing-distribution, teleshopping activities, sale of videocassettes, thematic channels; TELECOMMUNICATIONS: mobile phones, radiopaging services. Road construction accounted for 35% of 2001 revenues; buildings & public works, 34%; television, 18%; public services management, 12% and other activities, 1%.

周四, 由于商品市场上扬,澳洲股市在大盘矿业股带动下,连续第四天收高, 涨幅约1.4%。S&P/ASX200 指数收盘上涨48 点, 涨幅1.36%, 报 3588点, 综合指数上涨 48.6 点, 涨幅 1.4 %, 报 3528.2点。分析师说,股市参与减少,除了必和必拓(BHP)放弃对力拓(Rio Tinto)的收购出价的决定引起一些波动外,市场似乎比较平静。
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